Talking with an Archangel

Hello Soul family!

Today I am reminded what a gorgeous opportunity I have had over the last 3 decades… to have a personal connection, complete with an extensive education about the surprising potentials that we all hold, as well as what is going on for the planet over the last decades…

with Archangel Gabriel.

Today’s post is in an interview form, which I did recently on a beautiful podcast called Being Human, hosted by Richard Atherton - a very sincere, gentle man who shows up big time.

I have had the chance to do many podcasts since the release of Bright Lights, Big Empty. And Richard is one of the most direct, courageous of the interviewers — even expressing how much of a stretch it was for him to be asking me about an Archangel.

I know you will enjoy!!! (and when you do, please pass the word)

Reaching more people with some clarity in this time of crazy shifts is SO important..

Ron Baker