Gabriel's Overview of 2025: An Acceleration of Commitments

“Dearly beloved, as you know we are called Gabriel, and as always, we are most joyous to be in your Divine presence.  Your year coming will be unlike any you have known. It is a time of rapid acceleration. It is a time of deep contemplation about who you are, what you stand for, what you are willing to support and what you are not.

This is a time about awakening individuality. You have lived in a world that has been trapped in limitations, founded in not being taught or encouraged HOW to value yourselves as individuals. Without that value of Self, it is not possible to transcend fear, shame and judgment. It is not possible to transcend survival consciousness. It is not possible to transcend duality.

All of this is crucial to realize, for each of these elements will be accelerated in the year 2025. You have witnessed a great deal of contraction in recent times — unsure what you can count on. When there is no trusted sense of Self, Self-value, a distraction from Self is what you are left clinging to. “I want this job, this relationship, this house, this outer structure or situation to fulfill me."

And when those things don’t work, there is a clamoring for more. There is typically a desire to blame those things or those people. “You must be the reason I am not fulfilled,” said the wounded child in an Adult body. “You are responsible for my peace of mind, my happiness and my fulfillment.”

What you haven’t understood is that you cannot be fulfilled by looking solely outside yourself. it is the EXPERIENCE that awakens within you that fulfills you. And if you have never been taught HOW to connect to your inner experiences, truth, priorities and deepest desires, then you continue to look outside yourselves — much like a child looking to mommy/daddy.

“You are the source of everything, mommy/daddy. You are the one who is supposed to have all of the answers and you are the ones who are supposed to do it for me.” Ultimately you have lived in a world of mommy/daddy’s who were never taught how to value themselves as individuals either (for the most part). This is a truth that has impacted the masses until this time of awakening.

You have been in a stage of learning that is not wrong or bad or shameful. It has merely been a stage fraught with limitations. You could only go “so far” by learning to look outside, learning to achieve, to accumulate, to compete, to develop skills. All of those things are wonderful. They all serve you — BUT they are NOT the source of fulfillment.

It is your EXPERIENCE of those outer connections, situations and material things that either fulfills you or does not. Your world is a place where you are meant to invest, discover, learn and grow. You discover what works well and what doesn’t, what aligns with you and what doesn’t. The challenge of not being connected to the truth of Self leaves you NOT KNOWING how to trust those choices. In other words, you can’t be “true to Self.”

When that is the case, you end up stuck in efforts to get validation, to be better than someone else, to be seen as important, to be the best at something, to try and get someone to see you in a certain way. This approach is “hit and miss” at best. And it will never leave you at peace, like getting in touch with your inner Self will allow.

When you shift your focus to the inner Self as a starting place, and you learn how to nurture, to connect, to embrace the perfection of your Soul journeys at every level… you face your gifts and challenges as an opportunity to invest in the development of Self, nurturing, valuing and responding to all parts of Self. It is also important that you learn to face your core wounded feelings along the way.

That is the foundation of a path that is meaningful and fulfilling. The more you align with what is important to YOU, as an individual — what moves you, touches you, inspires you —the more you invest in choices that create experiences that matter to you. This is what creates the shift the wounds of duality, separation and survival consciousness.

The more you discover that the outer cannot be relied upon as the source — from it becoming shakier and shakier — the more you are encouraged to interrupt this outer focus to the physical world as the source.  This is the process that is becoming accelerated at this time.

All you have to do is to look around at your systems, which have been fraught with corruption much of the time. This is because it has been influenced by the choices of wounded individuals who are trying to gratify, control, dominate and compete on a larger scale. This is no different than what individuals are doing at every level.

These systems have merely been led by people who are also learning with you how to navigate the wounds of a child who was never taught to love and value the inner Self and then one another as fully as is needed.  Even though there are plenty of leaders who are doing their best to serve and be true to the opportunities, you have not been taught what will truly serve the good of the whole without a clear foundation of Self-love and Self-value.

If you look at a gross overview of your world, there has been so much corruption exposed in recent times. So many accusations, so many laws ignored. How do leaders know how to serve the good of the whole, versus being caught and colored by the wounds that they carry.

Your leaders are very much like all people. And yet it is easy for the public to point the finger and blame. “You are my new mommy/daddy who is disappointing me. You are not magically making everything work for me, so that I don’t have to grow up and learn how to lead myself, to take full responsibility in my life.”

These are merely symptoms that give you a way to evaluate where you are in the process of healing and moving into Self-value. Do any of these symptoms apply to you in any way? The choice to blame and shame will not lead to the opportunities to grow, advance, expand and fulfill the potentials of your awakening Selves. It all boils down to the relationship you are having with Self.

Learn how to invest in and value Self and you will naturally want to value others in your lives. Learn how to invest, nurture and value Self and you become inspired to invest that trusted Self in ways that inspire, touch, move and create meaningful moments WITH others. This is the expansion that is needed in order to move toward the good of the whole.

Do not believe that you make no difference in the world. Don’t get caught up in the wounded child who is stuck in feeling powerless. “I don’t matter. I have no real power to impact Life around me. Who am I?”

Every individual is sacred and holds potential power, powerful enough to transform the focus from looking fully outside the Self to a balance of focusing on the INNER Self. Everyone who takes this journey to a nurturing investment of the inner Self can inspire others with the gifts that naturally emerge.

Every one of you seeks to be loved and valued. What you haven’t understood is that you may not even know how to let those gestures in to touch your core Self. When you were children, you needed models to show you HOW to do such things. But now, as adults, you are all in the opportunity of making new choices, to learn how to look inward and to nurture each layer of potential that you hold.

Only when you learn how to love and value Self will you feel safe enough to open the love and value from others. The truest Soul purpose of EVERY individual is to learn how to love and value — which MUST begin with Self.

In 2025, you will see an acceleration of your present commitments. Are you committed to wanting mommy/daddy replacements to rescue you, to do it for you, to blaming them when they don’t know how? Are you committed to indulging the control that comes from fear in all wounded individuals — that is rampant in your world.

This is true for individuals, families, groups — from small groups, to states and countries. The same symptoms of looking for gratification from outer things exists on all of those levels. The same competition for the outer opportunities or commodities that you have believed would make you feel important exist on all of those levels. Whatever you see taking place in your individual lives also takes place in the bigger reflections of groups who are made up of wounded individuals.

The same needs are actually present in every individual. And discovering what those needs actually are often comes from following the paths that lead to dead ends or to points of pain or to anything that does not serve and fulfill you — mostly outer focuses without a trusted sense of inner Self. Our wish for you is that you will wake up sooner than later, that you will begin to turn the focus back to valuing the inner Self.

There are plenty of individuals who have dedicated their lives to teaching others HOW to connect to the inner Self, how to love and value, how to nurture Self and others.

You will not create lives that are filled with meaning and purpose until you heed this message, following through and learning HOW to love and value.

Pay attention to those around you — friends, families, communities. Look to your leaders and see if they seem to be demonstrating love and value, serving the good of whole, committed to solutions that consider all individuals as sacred and equal.

These need to become the new focuses in your world. IF you are not practicing these approaches in your own life, it would be a little silly to demand those choices from others. That would be the cry of a wounded child who has not yet learned how powerful they actually are.

We are calling this year of 2025 a “Year of Accelerated Commitments.” Start this exploration of possibilities by looking at Self.

Become clear what you are committed to. What matters to you as an individual? What choices do you make in your daily lives that support your priorities and commitments? Do your commitments actually love and value Self, set you up well and inspire you to enhance life around you — offering whatever gifts, talents and capacities that you have claimed thus far to be invested to serve those around you?

We encourage you to make any shifts that you discover necessary from this inventory. Show up for yourself in ways that build Self-value. Then come together with others who are committed  to the same. Inspire each other to become the unique individuals that you all have the potential to become. Then you will see the benefits and value of each person, the investments of each person, the crucial roles that each of your plays.

2025 will either be a year of accelerating commitments to gratify, control, dominate, oppose, blame, shame, criticize, compete and “win” at all costs… The list is a long one.  OR it will become a year of acceleration to learning HOW to love and value more fully — to respond, encourage and nurture one another through your learning curves. To seek understand yourselves and one another.

You all share the foundation of this core challenge. Let that be a point of common focus and needs — a center point of coming together more fully. You all have the same core needs. How you fulfill those needs will come out of getting in touch with what truly matters to you on the inside. Then you can get on with learning to love and value one another along the way.

This year will become what you, as individuals in a collective, make it. The more you come together in mutual support, the more you will build the resonance of a new world — one that is being supported unlike ever before. The energies of your world are accelerating the vibration and frequency of your individual and collective lives. This raises and attempts to awaken your consciousness into higher potentials of your awakening Selves.

Love and value sustain the highest level of consciousness possible — the most fulfilling levels of consciousness and experience possible. Start with Self. With that, we take your most joyous leave and remind you, as you are able, to remember to love one another.”

  • Gabriel

Ron Baker