EAL 48: Coronavirus - A Wake Up Call for Self
Welcome to the second video in this series of five empowerment messages that Ron is sending out in response to this global interruption.
In this episode, Ron offers some clear information about SELF, helping you to understand whether you are stuck in wounded child perspectives and reactions or whether you are in the grounded center of an empowered adult.
To become educated and informed about nurturing tools, you can feel much safer. When we are clear and we have proactive tools for responding to the challenges of our lives, we can navigate our daily lives with much more peace.
This is a time when people are searching for clear answers. So please help me reach as many people as possible. Have the people you love and care about sign up for this series. It will surely help.
They can easily do that at this link.
These time stamps coordinate with the VIDEO version of this episode.
0:30 In a time of challenge, we want to contract… distract and look for familiar gratifications
1:00 Reivew of the first video of this series. (i.e. doing an evaluation of your present life)
3:00 Each video will build on the previous ones. This will create a solid foundation of feeling SAFE.
3:15 Self-awareness allows you to identify what is NEEDED.
4':45 Connection to Self will allow you to feel SAFE.
6:00 A clear map of Self- - 3 levels of Self
6:45 Having a solid sense of Self impacts every part of your life.
7:45 Child, Adult and Soul potentials all exist inside us when we are born.
8:45 Child symptoms - inadequate, uninformed, unsure, looking outside us to others for answers.
9:40 Some Child Symptoms - afraid, alone, unsure, reactive, defensive, reactive… acting out when they feel threatened.
10:00 Qualities of Empowered Adult - faces things, focuses on healthy solutions, allows learning curves, and nurtures feelings.
11:40 Are you more in child reactions or adult responses?
12:55 We will talk about Soul consciousness in the next video (3rd level of Self).
14:15 Don’t judge yourself for where you are NOW.
14:30 How safe do you feel with your feelings? Do you know how to calm yourself, responding in a time of challenge?
15:30 Creating a map of the body… child and adult areas.
15:50 People often disconnect from the lower body when challenged.
17:00 Proactive breathing
17:40 The out breath is super important!
18:25 Breathe with me, pausing between breaths to go into stillness.
.19:50 Hightlights and options for the coming days…