EAL 34: Experience is Everything!
So many people get caught up in outer searches, whether it be for achievements or the accumulation of things, hoping that these things will allow them to feel truly fulfilled.
However, what most people don’t understand is that it is not things or situations that create fulfillment. Fulfillment is an experience and experience is everything.
What do I mean? Listen to todays’ episode and find out!
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These time stamps coordinate with the Audio version.
1:45 So many people are not fulfilled—who have already achieved on a world-class level.
2:35 Fulfilling experiences are possible in every situation…
3:05 What experiences are fulfilling and meaningful to YOU?
3:25 Every move you make is to move toward an experience you want to have or away from an experience that you would like to avoid.
4:00 There are nine core experiences that are crucial for fulfillment.
5:00 We all need to feel physical, emotionally and mentally SAFE.
5:10 We all need to feel physically, emotionally and mentally CONNECTED.
5:45 Most people don’t learn that they truly matter.
7:00 We often look for gratification replacements for nurturing and trust that we matter.
8:00 We personalize, “Nurturing support is not possible FOR ME.”
8:45 MYTH: Bigger stuff will cause others to notice me. That will affirm that I matter.
9:15 The core of fulfillment comes from self-awareness and self-value.
10:00 Treat yourself like you wish mommy/daddy had known how to offer.
10:25 Most people look for mommy/daddy replacements to validate them.
11:15 It’s easy to spend time trying to control how others see us.
13:05 What experiences are truly important to YOU? Name some.
13:20 How can you give those experiences to yourself?
15:30 YOU can fill your own life with those feeling experiences.